About Mobee
Mobile CDL (a.k.a Mobee) was added to Chelsea District Library services in spring of 2023. Mobee expands access to the library’s materials, staff, technology, and services. Visitors will use it similarly to a trip to the CDL building. During a stop visitors will be able to browse the collection, check out items, get a library card, access the internet, and get answers to questions. Visitors will need a library card in good standing to receive materials. All materials borrowed may be returned to the vehicle at any scheduled stop or to the CDL building. Most items have a four-week loan period, and there are no overdue fines. Borrowers are responsible for the care and return of library materials. Lost or damaged materials will incur replacement fees.

Mobee Stats
Birthdate: April 26, 2023
Residence: Chelsea District Library
Capacity: 800–1000 items including books, audiobooks, dvds, and hotspots
Mobee is Chelsea District Library’s first-ever outreach vehicle.
- Body Type/Model: 2022 Sprinter MXCAE4
- Alternate power source: Victron Battery Pack System with solar panels
- Equipment: skylight, staff and visitor work surfaces, bus door, exterior monitor, awning, internal/external PA system
- Printer/scanner/copier
- Laptops for public use
- ADA Accessible
- Cradlepoint router with T-Mobile and Verizon Wi-Fi service
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Where Does Mobee Visit?
Mobee visits public gathering spaces such as parks and township halls, and public events such as Sounds & Sights, the Chelsea Fair, and more.
Click here for our full schedule of regular stops.

How Do I Request a Special Visit?
Mobee travels within the 110-square mile Chelsea District Library service district, which includes the City of Chelsea, Lyndon and Sylvan Townships, and the portions of Lima and Dexter Townships within the Chelsea School District. Special visits will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis pending staff availability, current schedule, budget constraints, and location requirements. To request a special visit, please either email or call Head of Marketing & Outreach Virginia at 734-475-8732x.229.